Alex Wesker/gameplay (2025)

Further notes
  • 1 Resident Evil: Revelations 2
    • 1.1 Monster Alex
      • 1.1.1 First form
      • 1.1.2 Second form
    • 1.2 Raid Mode
  • 2 Resident Evil: Resistance
    • 2.1 Skill list
    • 2.2 Exclusive cards
  • 3 Bibliography
  • 4 Sources

Resident Evil: Revelations 2[]

Monster Alex[]

First form[]

In her first form, Alex has two main forms of attacking:

Her first is to walk along the ground towards Barry to attack with a swipe which can destroy certain parts of the scenery (such as shelves). When approaching, she appears to ignore Natalia for the most part, and go slowly after Barry.

After receiving a sufficient amount of damage, she will crawl into the vents and half pop out from a different one (this can be determined to an extent by listening to where she's moving). When she does, she exposes the vulnerable orange part of her chest and throws a persistent projectile which explodes upon impact with a surface, obscuring the player's view (akin to smoke). After she's done this a couple of times, she was crawl fully out of the vents and go back to following Barry and attempting to swipe.

This process is repeated until the player inflicts enough damage to the vulnerable area on her chest and a cutscene triggers.

Second form[]

In her second form, Alex follows Barry up the cliff, whilst the player attacks her in two separate ways:

Firstly, the player plays as Claire in the chopper with a sniper rifle, taking shots at Alex and the explosive canisters to wound her whilst she is out in the open. (NOTE: until Alex is out of view of the chopper, Barry is not available for partner switching).

Secondly, when inside the cliff and out of view of the chopper, the player will be switched to Barry. As Barry, the player can simple run up and out of the cliff, where they will be returned to Claire, or they can attack Alex for themselves, using Barry's conventional weaponry as well as the explosive canisters around.

In either way, the battle will end when Alex has taken enough damage and is outside the cliff, where a cutscene will trigger and all that remains is for the player (as Claire) to fire the rocket launcher at Alex which will end the fight.

Raid Mode[]

Alex Wesker is playable in Raid Mode. She is unlocked after beating both the Campaign and the Raid Mode Ω-01 stage. Her unique skill is called Bewilder which confuses nearby enemies into attacking each other.

Resident Evil: Resistance[]

Alex Wesker is a Mastermind in Resident Evil: Resistance, her unique bioweapon is a giant plant monster called Yateveo. This creature is unique in the sense that it is completely immobile, however, Alex can place it in strategic spots to block the path of the Survivors.[1]

Skill list[]

Alex Wesker/gameplay (1)Bioweapon: Yateveo
Take control of the Yateveo bioweapon and hunt down Survivors.Ultimate SkillAlex Wesker/gameplay (2)Verdant
Increases Yateveo health. Slime is also harder to escape from.
Alex Wesker/gameplay (3)Explosive
Makes it possible to trigger Self Destruct without devouring Survivors and increases Self Destruct damage.
Alex Wesker/gameplay (4)Toxic
Shortens base cooldown. When Yateveo dies, it will leave behind a large amount of infectious gas.
Alex Wesker/gameplay (5)Biohazard
Alex uses her research findings to make the virus deadlier than before.Passive Skill 1Alex Wesker/gameplay (6)Amplify
Greatly increases Infection Rate.
Alex Wesker/gameplay (7)Epidemic
Increases infectious gas duration. Creatures within the area of effect will also become infectious.
Alex Wesker/gameplay (8)Mutation
Infected Survivors emit infectious gas that affects nearby teammates.
Alex Wesker/gameplay (9)T-Phobos Prototype
The more infected the Survivors are, the more damage they receive from all sources.
Alex Wesker/gameplay (10)Residence of Evil
Alex is a master of strategy, favoring traps over direct confrontation.Passive Skill 2Alex Wesker/gameplay (11)Trap Efficiency
Lowers the cost of Trap Cards by 1.
Alex Wesker/gameplay (12)Mechanic
Increases E.I.S. activation speed, trap durability, and the time required to disarm traps.
Alex Wesker/gameplay (13)Veil
Traps will become camouflaged a short while after being placed.
Alex Wesker/gameplay (14)Synchronize
Traps no longer affect other traps or creatures. Triggers all traps in view when detonating traps through the E.I.S.

Exclusive cards[]

Main article: Deck (Resistance)
ImageNameDescriptionBio Energy costNotes
Alex Wesker/gameplay (15)Virus MinePlaces a trap that infects Survivors. Unlocks in Area 2.3Area 2 default
Alex Wesker/gameplay (16)Landmine (3)Places 3 explosives traps. Unlocks in Area 2.3Area 2 alternative
Alex Wesker/gameplay (17)Detonator - Camouflaged (C)Spawns a camouflaged Detonator zombie. (controllable)3Area 2 alternative
Alex Wesker/gameplay (18)Efficiency Mod - InfectionWhile in hand, reduces the cost of all infection-related cards by 3. Unlocks in Area 3.3Area 3 default
Alex Wesker/gameplay (19)Jester - CamouflagedSpawns a camouflaged Jester zombie. (controllable) Unlocks in Area 3.4Area 3 alternative
Alex Wesker/gameplay (20)Machine Gun - Infection (C)Equips a Machine Gun that increases the infection level of Survivors hit.3Area 3 alternative


  • Tada, Takuji, ed (2015). BIOHAZARD REVELATIONS 2 ULTIMANIA. Square Enix.


Alex Wesker/gameplay (2025)
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